Marketing Blog
Samantha Walls

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Social Media Best Practices For Small Businesses
How to Start a Blog
Expert Tips to Rock Engagement on Twitter

5 Mistakes To Avoid With Social Media In 2021

“The definition of insanity,” as coined by Albert Einstein, is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
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Social Media Best Practices For Small Businesses

For small business owners, social media marketing services are STILL one of the most underutilized marketing tactics available.

How to Start a Blog

Given the wealth of blog tools and advice swimming around the internet today, you have very little excuse not to be able start your own blog. After...

What The New Facebook Algorithm Change Means For Your Small Business

There are a few things in life that are certain……….. death, taxes and a Facebook algorithm change. Earlier this month the social media giant...

How to Use Facebook Insights to Optimize Social Media Posts

In today’s digital age, Facebook has become one of the biggest social media networks that businesses use to market their products and services.

Expert Tips to Rock Engagement on Twitter

I recently completed a 30-day Twitter project in which I tested the effect of 30 minutes of live Twitter engagement combined with Twitter post...