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5 LinkedIn Lead Generation Techniques That Work

5 LinkedIn Lead Generation Techniques That Work

Over the past few years, LinkedIn has transformed from a place to post your resume to a publishing platform that allows users to network, search for jobs, share and read industry news, and build your brand.

For small businesses, lead generation is critical to ensure sustained growth. It is an active ongoing process that seeks to attract and convert targeted web visitors into qualified prospects.

While social media has evolved into an effective marketing tool that many small and large businesses use to generate leads, LinkedIn in particular has become a force for connecting with potential clients and promoting your brand.

Hubspot reports that as of 2020, LinkedIn has nearly 160 million users in the United States, making the U.S. the country with the most users in the world.

Creating a LinkedIn company page, however, is simply not enough. To get the most out of lead generation, certain strategies are needed to take full advantage of this very popular platform. 

Here are 5 LinkedIn lead generation techniques that will give you the best chance of attracting your ideal customers and ultimately growing your business.


  1. Perfect your profile
  2. Post relevant content
  3. Include images and videos
  4. Join LinkedIn groups
  5. Get recommendations

1. Perfect Your Profile

Linkedin lead generationBefore you begin attracting the attention of prospects, you must make your profile a place where prospective customers will learn about your company and the services you offer. 

After all, HubSpot reports LinkedIn is the second most popular social media platform for B2B marketers. Only Facebook is higher. 

Your profile should be compelling … and complete. According to LinkedIn, pages with all information completed get an average of 30% more weekly views. 

When completing your LinkedIn Page, here are some components you should not overlook:

  • Logo: Your organization’s logo and cover image should boost familiarity and bring your page to life. Remember, you are visually branding your company, so do not use personal pictures or a logo that does not represent your overall mission.
  • Overview: This is your first opportunity to share with viewers who you are. Be concise, lead with relevant phrases and provide an overview of the mission and purpose of your organization. 
  • Organization’s information: Make sure you include all of your company’s information. This includes your website URL, location and contact information. LinkedIn also allows you to select your industry and company size.
  • Call-to-action: Potential customers may have found you, but now they need to know what to do with this information. While call-to-action buttons can be as simple as “contact us,” make sure you choose something that aligns with your goals and allows you to track who is checking you out. In addition to in the contact section, you can include calls-to-action in the summary section or along with publications you promote on the page.

Finally, although your LinkedIn page may be complete, it is important to include a button on your website so you can gain followers directly from your site. This will be especially helpful in driving relevant followers to your LinkedIn page.


2. Post Relevant Content


LinkedIn can be an important tool in your content marketing plan. Beyond your company logo and company information, you should post relevant content that you think prospective customers and employees would be interested in. 

With more than 500 million users on LinkedIn, you can’t afford to post content that doesn’t have the best chance of leading potential customers to your company website or landing page that culminates with a conversion.

So what types of content should you post on LinkedIn in an effort to improve your lead generation? According to HubSpot, the most engaging types of content used on social media are:

  • Written articles
  • Videos
  • Images

Don’t be afraid to share interesting content as well. Social media is all about interaction and conversion, so if you come across interesting content that is relevant to your mission even though it is from other sources, share away.

Not only will it help your prospective customers stay informed, you get the added benefit of spreading your content around through reciprocal shares. LinkedIn, in particular, is a great social media platform for connecting with industry thought leaders who are always looking for relevant content.

Don’t be afraid to share your content more than once as well. If you have other types of content, such as eBooks, white papers, case studies and checklists, share it regularly on your LinkedIn page. 

Remember, if the content is good, others will not be turned off by seeing the post more than once. Plus, prospects may not see it the first time, so sharing it more than once increases the likelihood your content will be seen and shared by others, potentially increasing website conversions.

Important note: Don’t forget to provide a way for you to contact an individual who has downloaded one of these resources, such as by requesting an email in exchange for the download. This is an important part of the conversion process that should not be overlooked.


3. Include Images And Videos, And Go Live


Linkedin lead generationImages and videos are two types of content you should include when posting on your LinkedIn page. Remember, you’re trying to generate leads so you want to draw as many people to your posts, and ultimately your website, as possible. 

According to LinkedIn, images double the comment rate on a post. Videos get 5 times more engagement on LinkedIn

If you think that’s great, check this statistic out. According to LinkedIn, live video gets 24 times more engagement! Through live streaming, one of LinkedIn’s newest features, you can connect with your communities and potential customers in real time. 

Going live may not be for everyone, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. You simply apply for access to LinkedIn Live and begin live streaming. You don’t need high-tech equipment (a phone will even do), though it’s beneficial to have a good internet connection and two devices … one for streaming and one so you can monitor any live comments.

You may be asking yourself, What can I use LinkedIn Live for? 

  • To promote new products or services
  • To make announcements about exciting changes in your business
  • To broadcast expert discussions about a topic that would educate potential customers on a relevant issue

Even if you are not the one live streaming, LinkedIn Live can be a useful tool for building connections with other partners in the industry. If you see another company going live, it is a good opportunity to hop on its chat and engage in the discussion.


4. Join LinkedIn Groups

Don’t wait for people to find you. Be proactive and join LinkedIn Groups where potential customers gather. 

By using the advanced search feature on LinkedIn, you can find potential groups within your industry that are filled with potential customers or potential networking partners. LinkedIn groups also allow you to quickly gain influence and establish credibility as being a source of information. 

Look for groups that have a sizable audience and consistent engagement, and invest your time in groups where your experience can be beneficial to other group members. Be thoughtful in your posts, and don’t try to use this platform as a way to sell your products or services. 

Your goal should be to gain credibility so that your peers or potential customers will turn to you for help.

LinkedIn groups can also allow you to stay up on the latest industry news and help you connect with other businesses that may be experiencing some of the same challenges you are currently facing. 


5. Get Recommendations


Finally, to help build your authority in your industry and trust among potential customers, ask customers whom you regularly work with to write a recommendation on LinkedIn on your behalf.

Have them share their experiences working with you, making sure they include your skills, abilities and how you helped their companies. 

This can be an effective way to build your reputation and make potential customers feel more at ease in reaching out to you. 

On LinkedIn pages, you’ll be able to accept the recommendation, which will then display it on your profile and be visible to your network. One point to keep in mind … if someone writes you a recommendation, especially if it is another company you have worked with, make sure you reciprocate. There are no limits to how many recommendations you can write or receive.


A Partner In Lead Generation


If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of navigating LinkedIn or building your company’s content marketing strategy in an effort to generate leads, an inbound marketing agency can help. 

A quality inbound marketing agency with experience working with businesses in your industry will:

  • Save you time by developing and implementing a modern marketing strategy so you can focus on your business
  • Offer effective resources that handle your customized needs
  • Provide specialized staff with knowledge of your industry and how to target potential customers
  • Keep payroll costs down 

You can learn more about the benefits of working with an experienced inbound marketing partner in our article, Why Should I Hire A Marketing Agency For My Small Business?


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